As you can see, it's missing a very important part, the handles! I planned on putting the original handles back on but of course I lost one! So i may just have to buy a pretty set :) |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Just an Update....
I'm not finished yet, but i thought i'd give you an update on that 7 month project...
Monday, May 28, 2012
Ugly turned Pretty!
It was just a typical thrift-store shopping day, when i came accross this beaute! Well. Ok. Back then, not so beautiful, but she looked so cute sitting in the corner of the store with tons of junk just piled up on her. She had a lot of potential so for $10 i had to make the purchase!
And this is her now!
(Aren't the flowers pretty!?!?)
The Chair got a NEW, much needed cushion, obviously new fabric and the table got turned over and sanded down. As you can see in the "before picture" the top of the table had formica (fake wood) on it. Since you really can't do much with that we were lucky enough to have real wood on the bottom! Hope you like it! It will probably be going up for sale eventually considering there isn't really a good spot for it in the house. :( (Maybe i'll just have to make room) :)
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
It's a slow process
I started working on this desk right after Jocelyn was born, so almost 7 monts now! It took me forever to get all the old paint off of it. I tried everything; sanding, Goofoff, etc... I finally decided to try some paint stripper (StripFast), hoping it wouldn't ruin the wood. If i knew then what i know now, i would have used the paint stripper from the very start! This stuff works wonders, i will be using it quite a bit from now on. So instead of me just rambling, how 'bout i show you how she's lookin'!
This is what it looked like when we first got it
Here it is after getting all that old paint off. Isn't she beautiful?!? I can't wait to finish her up!! :)
I just love this picture of Joss, it's so rustic and our baby sure can pose!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Just for the Home
I wanted to start a new blog, just so you can see how we are turning our issued base house into our own little (temporary) home. I love repurposing old furniture and hopefully i can start selling some of it. I don't think Kent would be to happy if i kept all the projects i have right now (the garage is filling up haha). I hope you enjoy seeing the house transform into our home!
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